23 January, 2020

Scott Morrison's stance on climate change makes it harder for future governments to undo his damage

We are quickly running out of time to act on climate change because governments across the world, led by our own intransigent, denying government are failing to focus on cutting emissions. The biggest problem with the prime minister’s shift towards blaming the states and doing all he can to avoid actual emissions cuts is he continues to make it even harder for future governments to undo his damage.
Protesters with signs at climate protest
‘Scott Morrison has taken the view that saying he believes
 in climate change is enough to avoid any suggestion that
he is in fact a climate change denier.’
Let us never again suggest this government might be about to take climate change seriously. Scott Morrison has taken the view that saying he believes in climate change is enough to avoid any suggestion that he is in fact a climate change denier.
In reality he is like a bloke who says he is against drink-driving, but then tells his mates the way to drive home from the pub without getting caught by the cops.

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