28 April, 2020

Here are 5 ways to flatten the climate change curve while stuck at home

After the horrors of the last bushfire season, climate action in Australia seemed to have new momentum. But then coronavirus struck. All of a sudden, the public was preoccupied by a different catastrophe.
Here are 5 ways to flatten the climate change curve while stuck at ...
Flattening the climate change curve while stuck at home.
But one positive has emerged from the devastation wrought by coronavirus: our ability to radically shift social and economic systems when needed. It shows real action on climate change is possible, and should encourage us to work towards that even as we stay at home.
I must note here that for some people right now, the focus is on simply surviving. Increased domestic violence risk, housing insecurity, unemployment, mental health issues and other forms of marginalisation means many have little energy for activism. 
Read the story from The Conversation by a Lecturer from the School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry art the Curtin University, Sky Crosier -  “Here are 5 ways to flatten the climate change curve while stuck at home.”

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