01 April, 2020

Shepparton declares a climate emergency

A climate emergency has been declared by the City of Greater Shepparton.

City of Greater Shepparton Mayor,
Cr Seema Abdullah - her casting
 vote ensured the city would
adopt a climate emergency.
One of the city’s nine councillors was absent from the March 31 meeting, a meeting postponed from two weeks earlier, and voting on a motion calling for a climate emergency was evenly split.

Subsequently, the mayor, Cr Seema Abdullah, who had initially voted for the climate emergency, used her casting vote to see the motion passed.

It was the deputy mayor, Cr Dinny Adem, who appeared remarkably eager to move the motion and did so when he cut in on the mayor before she had even completed outlining details from the council agenda.

Cr Chris Hazelman seconded the motion and a discussion ensured, leading the to a four-all situation and then the need for Cr Abdullah to use her casting vote.

The discussion can be heard on the “Climate Conversations” podcast.

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