09 March, 2014

Tom Arup braves the wrath of the 'responsible men'

Tom Arup deserves our praise.

As the environment editor at The Age in Melbourne, Tom frequently writes about issues and matters that our “responsible men” would not appreciate seeing published.

Today, Tom has written, in a story headlined: “Fire at Morwell reignites brown-coal debate” about the rather shaky future of Victoria’s massive brown coal reserves.

Tom has gone to lengths to explain the history of brown and black coal, its importance to the Victorian economy, how the belief of carbon capture and storage, the supposed saviour of the coal industry, yet unproven and un-costed, while renewable energy is tested, costed proven and ready to go.

It is unlikely that Tom works in an actual hostile environment, but he would most certainly encounter hostility when researching stories about accessing our energy needs from different sources, breaking the grip that the fossil fuels industry presently has on society.

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