16 May, 2014

Advice from Chomsky which we should all listen to

Noam Chomsky.
When Noam Chomsky speaks, we should all listen.

Writing his piece entitled” “On the Edge” he said: “When I hear the phrase ‘on the edge,’ the irresistible image is the proverbial lemmings marching resolutely to the cliff.”

Chomsky writes: “For the first time in history, human are now poised to destroy prospects for decent existence, and much of life. The rate of species destruction today is at about the level of 65 million years ago, when a major catastrophe, probably a huge asteroid, ended the age of dinosaurs, opening the way for mammals to proliferate.

“The difference is that today we are the asteroid, and way will very likely be opened to beetle and bacteria when we have done our work,” Chomsky wrote.

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