17 July, 2014

Only 'discomfort' can be found in The Galileo Movement

Alan Jones is the patron of
 the rather suspect Galileo Movement.
We should be finding comfort in such things as “The Galileo Movement” according to a fellow who recently called a Beneath the Wisteria supporter.

That “comfort” is to be found, according to the caller, in the beliefs and values of the movement, which bluntly denies and rejects the unequivocal science and evidence that clearly tells us that earth’s climate is changing and you and I, humans, are distinctly responsible.

A story published in 2011 by Scientific American headed: “’Galileo Movement’ Fuels Climate Change Divide in Australia” instantly alerts readers to the movement’s beliefs and stance.

In fact the first red flag goes up upon reading that the movement’s patron is Sydney shock-jock, Alan Jones, and those affiliated with the organization include News Ltd columnist, Andrew Bolt, discredited scientist, Fred Singer, and public speaker, Christopher Monckton.

The movement has been backed by Australian mining billionaire, Gina Rinehart

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