02 April, 2016

Health systems ill-prepared for climatic changes

A television news broadcast
 of an impending heatwave
British health systems are unprepared for the “devastating” effects of climate change, leading health bodies have warned.

As extreme weather events such as flooding or heatwaves become more common, the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change urged ministers not to “wait for disaster” before acting.

The new alliance, made up of leading health bodies including royal colleges, medical faculties, medical publications and doctors’ organisations, called on the government to be “properly prepared”.

The group, launched on Wednesday, said the health service is ill-prepared for dealing with the effects of climate change such as the extreme weather seen this winter.

(Australia is not really prepared for any aspect of climate change, particularly the devastating impact it will have on our health systems.

Preparation for and adaptation to climate change, demands a “war-like” stance for the world community, something not seen since the world hitched-up its skirts, laced-up its boots and marched into World War Two. A peace-time health system was not up to the task, just as a pre-climate change health system will not be able to cope with demands from a human-disrupted climate system – Robert McLean.)

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