01 September, 2016

Frydenberg not listening to calls to toughen emissions limits

(Many have heaped praise on what happened in Paris last December when the world’s nations agreed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, and so although that praise is not necessarily misplaced to see it as a solution to climate change is, at best, mischievous. Even if the world’s nations all achieve their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) as submitted at Paris and which are not binding, the global temperatures are predicted to rise by nearly three degrees. Understanding that, we need to be cautious of any comments from Mr Frydenberg arguing that Australia is achieving its targets and beyond that, suggesting we should subsequently ignore any calls from the government appointed Climate Change Authority for tougher climate policies – Robert McLean)

Minister for Energy and Environment, Josh
Frydenberg - known to some as "Mr Coal".
The Coalition’s energy and environment minister, Josh Frydenberg, has hit back at a report from the Climate Change Authority calling for Australia to toughen its climate policies.

Frydenberg said the government had no plans to tighten limits on emissions by the biggest polluters and the Climate Change Authority’s advice to introduce two emissions trading schemes was a “report to, not by, government” and committed only to a review of its policies in 2017.

On Wednesday the Climate Change Authority advised the Australian government to institute two emissions trading schemes and strengthen regulations in order to meet Australia’s 2030 emission reduction targets and to allow it to lift those targets in line with international climate change obligations.

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