04 September, 2016

Biomass lobbyists create website to 'correct the record'

Lobbyists for the biomass industry have created a new website, Biomass101.org, with the seemingly laudable goal of “Correcting the record and getting the facts out on carbon-neutral biomass energy.”

Mary Booth of the Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI) says there’s one major problem with that, however: burning biomass — wood or wood pellets and other plant matter — for energy is anything but carbon neutral.

So Booth and PFPI have launched their own website, Biomess101.org, to get the real facts out about the “facts” the biomass lobbyists are pushing.

At first, Booth told DeSmog, she and her colleagues were content to ignore Biomass101.org, which frequently publishes blog posts that purport to expose flaws in reporting by media outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and NPR. “They’d call people out, and call us out, and we didn’t respond, or draw attention to it,” she said.

Read the DeSmog Blog story - “Fact-Checking The Biomass Lobby’s New Website.”

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