05 September, 2016

David Karoly and Clive Hamilton refuse to sign latest CCA report

Professor David Karoly - a friend of
 Beneath the Wisteria and a member
 of the CCA, who along with Clive
Hamilton has written a dissenting
report on what action the
Australian Government should take.
For three years, good climate change policies in Australia have been eviscerated by those who would prefer to do nothing. This is happening at a time when the urgency to act has never been greater and the rest of the world is pursuing a bolder and more determined path.

All of the evidence shows that most Australians want much stronger action from the government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and hasten the transition to a clean energy economy.

Which is why it's so disappointing that the latest report from the Climate Change Authority on how Australia should meet its international climate commitments seems to be responding to those who do not accept the science of climate change.

The Climate Change Authority was set up in 2012 as an independent body charged with providing the Australian Government and the Parliament with evidence-based advice on the nation's climate change policy options. Introducing the bill to establish the authority the minister said:

"The authority will be independent from government … This means that climate change policy will be directed by evidence and facts, rather than fear and political opportunism. It will take the politics out of the debate."

As we see it, last week's report from the authority is a recipe for further delay in responding to the urgent need to reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.

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