30 August, 2019

Australia’s carbon emissions rise again, largely thanks to LNG industry

Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise despite the Morrison government claiming it is taking “sensible, responsible action” to address the climate crisis, the latest official data shows.
LNG industry in Western Australia
Part of the LNG projects in the north of Western Australia.
 The growth of the industry is primarily responsible for
 the recent rises in Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions.
National emissions increased by 3.1m tonnes in the year to March to reach 538.9m tonnes, a 0.6% jump on the previous year, the report released on Friday revealed.

Carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation continue to decrease, reflecting the falling cost of solar and wind energy, but this is being more than cancelled out by the growth in emissions from the liquefied natural gas (LNG) export industry, mostly in northern Western Australia. Emissions from LNG were up 4.7m tonnes over the year.

Read the story from The Guardian by Adam Morton -  “Australia’s carbon emissions rise again, largely thanks to LNG industry.” 

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