01 May, 2020

COVID-19: What does this mean for the fight against climate change?

What does this mean for our global fight against climate change and what does this mean for our ability to address the climate emergency in the future?
Climate Strikes: “Whose future? Our future!”. | e-mc2.gr
The current global health crisis has created grave uncertainties across the world. In response, governments have brought in unprecedented measures to curb the spread of the virus - the steps to restrict movement and mass gatherings, as well as the implementation of economic stimulus packages across the globe have not been seen during peacetimes.
Whilst COVID-19 has seemingly put environmental diplomacy on hold with the postponement of COP26 and the 15th Biodiversity COP, what does the current global health crisis mean for ongoing climate crisis? In a year in which global political and business leaders are meant to put climate change first, what impact will this pandemic have on our collective ability to address the climate emergency?

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