10 November, 2016

Will Trump go down in history as the man who pulled the plug on a livable climate?

-       by Joe Romm

Donald Trump - the pugilist is about to
deliver a knockout blow to climate action.
The shocking election of Donald Trump on Tuesday night is a turning point in the history of climate action, and therefore the history of homo sapiens. That’s because whatever warming, sea level rise, ocean acidification, and Dust-Bowlification we commit to is irreversible on a timescale of a thousand years.

Tragically, America has elected a man who has repeatedly called global warming a “hoax” and who put a climate science denier in charge of his EPA transition team. We’ve elected a man who has vowed to kill the Paris climate deal, end all efforts to help other countries deal with climate change, stop domestic climate action, reinvigorate coal, and zero out all research into climate science and clean energy.

I’ve always tried to face unpleasant facts head on. And while I had become considerably more optimistic about the possibility of averting catastrophe in the last two years, it was always the case that a quarter century of dawdling and ignoring the ever more dire warnings of climate scientists had left the climate on life support with no room for error.

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