17 February, 2017

Clean energy scorecard puts Australia 15th in the world

Australia ranks equal 15th overall in a new World Bank scorecard on sustainable energy

We are tied with five other countries in the tail-end group of wealthy OECD countries – behind Canada and the United States and just one place ahead of China.

Called the Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy (RISE), the initiative provides benchmarks to evaluate clean energy progress, and insights and policy guidance for Australia and other countries.

RISE rates country performance in three areas - renewable energy, energy efficiency, and access to modern energy (excluding advanced countries), using 27 indicators and 80 sub-indicators. These include things like legal frameworks, building codes, and government incentives and policies. The results of the individual indicators are turned into an overall score.

The majority of wealthy countries score well in the scorecard. But when you drill down into the individual areas, the story becomes more complex. 
The report notes that “about half the countries with more appropriate policy environments for sustainable energy are emerging economies,” for example.

Read the thoughts of a Senior Industry Fellow, from RMIT University, Alan Pears, on The Conversation - “Clean energy scorecard puts Australia 15th in the world.”

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