29 December, 2018

The Coming Climate Change War

Current global warming is real, it is man-made, and its consequences will be profoundly negative over time. The significant loss of polar ice, damage to the coral reefs, increased flooding along coastlines and other waterways, more frequent heatwaves, and an increased risk of forest fires are among the most likely consequences as the earth continues to warm.

A lone polar bear on a shrinking island
of ice- a symbol of climate change.
Theory and empirical data support these predictions, unequivocally.
That reality, however, is being cynically weaponized by an unqualified chattering class that seeks partisan advantage, even at the risk of war.
Reactions to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on climate change exemplify this problem…

Read the Medium story by Kent Kroeger - “The Coming Climate Change War.”

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